Friday, January 15, 2010

Lol Today

x.x today at school dam happy but still got abit unhappy....

So im goona to say ~_~ unhappy things first z teach us's chinese teacher... we gonna go and QM

u still thinking wan today pass up ur home work if every teachers think like u i promise...

no QM and those sukan or training things sure no ppl do.... lucky huh u still know think abit 

let us monday pass up ~_~ but for me u just a NOTHING.


Okay, is time to go work .... but i heard some one said go work only can 4 peoples... im gonna say

Wtf?!?!?! tat was crazy 4 peoples wan to do so many things.... u think us like god huh !?!?!

Then Go ask for more peoples u just only ADD TWO PERSON MORE == hell shit ....

last year oso all of the QM work tgt this year im gonna say Shit== Fine -.- others not in 

name list go back class then........ 


Start work lol .....

lalala~~~~~~ everythings is fine work till half o.o i saw some one coming looks like our Ah Neo~

i was LOL .... 

Me: How u come out huh

Neo: I bring wrong books lol =="

Me:So don nid to back lar xD

Continue Work~

lol work half Ah Bomb call us go and eat first.... but ah neo didnt get belanja cos his name 

not in the list x.x lol kolian him =x .....

finish eat  talk talk talk bla bla bla OKAY! start work lol ....

half we work half we play x.x im catching the cacing around the sand LOL 

it looks cute =x lol ... 

Suddenly they drag their pants drag till high high like Bai Chi/Sha Zi  xD dam funny

laugh till perut sakit HAHA ......

All the period didnt go bck ~.~ should be alot of home work .... bored i hate im working and

the teachers giving the home work so much == bo do this kena diao bo do tat oso kena diao....

                                                        If Everything As You Say

                                                        So Easy So Simple Why

                                                        Still So Many People Want

                                                        To Argue Want To Complaint

                                                        Want To Kill Each Other ? 

                                                        So Next Time

                                                        Don Talk Without Ur Brain

.::[End Of My Typing]::.


  1. ==''
    不用kolian la~=3=

  2. lol
    fun hor
    =D But when
    training gonna work more ler ~_~
    maybe will not fun maybe will x.x
